Maryland Governor Issues ‘Stay at Home’ Order 

Maryland Governor Issues ‘Stay at Home’ Order

March 30, 2020 – In his press conference today, the Governor announced he amended his Executive order that prohibited large gatherings.  The addition of a ‘Stay at Home’ order will be put in place tonight at 8pm. The order details for what reasons anyone should leave their homes. If a person does not need to perform an ESSENTIAL ACTIVITY then they should stay home. Failure to comply with the order is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail or a $5,000 fine or both, Hogan said.

Hogan also directed businesses that are deemed essential and that are remaining open to scale down their operations in order to reduce the number of required staff to limit in person interaction with customers as much as they are able. He also said to use telework for as much of the workforce as is practical.

Although Hogan had added more restrictions, he did say, “You should be able to get outside for your own physical and mental well-being and go for a walk and take your dog for a walk.”

Hogan brought Maryland’s Deputy Secretary for Public Health, Fran Phillips, to the podium to talk more. Phillips said Maryland had 67 new COVID-19 hospitalization in the last 24 hours. She also spoke of ways to volunteer if you have medical backgrounds or other needed skills. Phillips suggested volunteering for Maryland Responds, Medical Reserve Corps. She also said to call 2-1-1 for guidance.

Hogan took questions concerning needed medical equipment, the states economy, and other pressing questions.

Here is a link to the press conference.

To read the Executive Order in full click here.  The order gives further explanation of essential activities.



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